
Forget boxes! Why individual packaging can make the difference

May 7, 2023

Picture this: It's your day off and you're strolling through a shopping centre, looking for a new favourite item. As you pass a large, well-lit, individually designed shop window, your feelings guide you towards a particularly beautiful and tastefully designed display. You briefly glance at the clothes and their prices before entering the shop to assess the material's quality, whether the colours are perfect for you, and whether the thickness meets your expectations. You try on a few pieces of your choice and finally find your new favourite item!

Online shop vs. physical store

The advantages of brick-and-mortar retail clearly lie in the holistic shopping experience: personal advice, customer-oriented services, and, above all, the opportunity to look at, touch, and try on the merchandise in person. This intimate and emotional experience is missing in online shopping.

The main advantage of online shopping is the saved time. You can comfortably sit on your couch in the evening or on the weekend and browse through a wide range of goods. Simple price and product comparisons are available without time pressure, and adding or removing products from your digital shopping cart takes only a click. As a result, online retailers face growing competition from the increasing number of online shops and shoppers. And with the global pandemic, this trend has only accelerated.

Making sure that online shopping also becomes an emotional experience

Online retailers need to make a significant effort to persuade customers to buy something from their store. Moreover, they want to encourage customers to return and buy again. Offering high-quality products is crucial, but equally important is the moment when the delivery person brings the long-awaited package and the customer unpacks the ordered product. The first thing the customer will notice is the individual packaging! In online trade, this is the first real contact with the product, so it's essential to make it a positive, emotional moment.

Unfortunately, packaging is still underestimated as a carrier of the brand message. Positive branding is enormously important, especially for small online stores. If customers have a positive memory of your brand, they'll be happy to order from you again. In addition, individual packaging makes it relatively easy for a brand to stand out from the competition. Recognition is therefore crucial at the point of sale. Personalized adhesive tape with a printed logo can help bring the brand directly to the customer's attention. Moreover, a lovingly wrapped product covered in tissue paper can create a pleasant feeling when the customer unpacks it.

Every individual package tells a story

Tell your story with authenticity and transparency, without overwhelming detail. The goal of storytelling is to allow customers to identify with your product or company. Let them know why your product is the best, how it's produced, and who created it. By doing so, you can create a connection between the customer and your product through their journey to purchase on your online store.

Custom packaging provides an opportunity to continue telling your story. Any kind of reusable, exclusive packaging feels special and reminds your customers of the quality of your product. This is especially true for brand environments like fashion, beauty, and luxury goods. The effort put into creating personalized packaging will pay off by getting your customer's full attention. In the best-case scenario, customers will even use the packaging again and again, thus advertising your brand for free.

Convey a mission with your individual packaging

Reiterate your mission, whether it's to fight local poverty or make people feel good about their skin. Your packaging is the perfect medium to state that mission loud and proud. Consumers have been moving away from big retail stores and discovering smaller, niche brands as valuable alternatives. Thus, the lifestyle aspect of a product is gaining importance. Your packaging should match the feeling conveyed in your online store and social media channels. Once a customer receives the package, it should affirm that your brand is the perfect addition to their life.

We understand the benefits of personalized packaging for your brand and how it contributes to a positive customer experience. That's why our outbound team will gladly take care of the individual packaging of your goods, exactly as you imagine it. Your package should reach your customers as if you had packed it yourself - or even better!

Feel free to contact us, and we will be happy to provide further consultation.